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What are the remedies for sade sati99.00 QROther Services (Al Rayyan) May 11, 2023Sade Sati is an astrological belief that refers to the seven-and-a-half-year period when Saturn transits through the zodiac sign preceding and following a person's moon sign. Remedies for sade sati is believed to bring challenges and obstacles in var...
Astrology Tips for Removing Pitra dosh99.00 QROther Services Noida (Al Rayyan) May 11, 2023Pitra dosh is an astrological belief that suggests the presence of negative energies caused by the ancestors' unfulfilled desires or deeds. Astrology Tips for Removing Pitra dosh suggest remedies like performing ancestral rituals, donating food to th...
Effects of Kuja dosha99.00 QROther Services (Al Rayyan) May 10, 2023Kuja dosha, also known as Manglik dosha, is an astrological belief that arises when Mars is in certain positions in a person's horoscope. Effects of Kuja dosha is believed to cause conflicts and hurdles in marriage, leading to possible separation or ...
What is my moon sign?99.00 QROther Services Doha (Al Rayyan) May 10, 2023To determine your moon sign, you need to know the date, time, and location of your birth. What is my moon sign is based on the position of the moon at the time of your birth and represents your emotional nature? To find your moon sign, you can use a ...
Best house for wealth in natal chart99.00 QROther Services (Al Rayyan) May 9, 2023Astrology can give insights into financial trends and potential opportunities for individuals based on their birth chart and current planetary transits. The position of the ruler of the second house and any planets in that house can give indications ...
Best house for wealth in natal chart99.00 QROther Services (Al Shamal) May 9, 2023In astrology, the 2nd house is the house of money in horoscope. It is also known as the house of possessions. Apart from the 2nd house, other houses and planets also play a role in determining a person's financial status and wealth. For instance, the...
Which house is for wealth in natal chart?99.00 QROther Services Noida (Al Rayyan) May 8, 2023Apart from the 2nd house, other houses and planets also play a role in determining a person's financial status and wealth. For instance, the 11th house is the house of income and gains, while Jupiter is the planet of wealth and abundance. The placeme...
Today's Panchangam99.00 QROther Services (Al Khor) May 2, 2023Dr. Vinay Bajrangi is a renowned astrologer with expertise in Vedic astrology. He has been practicing astrology for over two decades and has gained a reputation for his accurate horoscope predictions. He is also an author and a public speaker, known ...
Timings of lunar eclipse in 2023 in USA99.00 QROther Services Noida (Al Wakrah) May 2, 2023Vedic astrology, as it is believed to affect the energy and consciousness of the Earth and its inhabitants. The upcoming Lunar Eclipse 2023 is predicted to occur on May 16th, and astrologers suggest taking precautions during this time, such as avoidi...
Property Yoga in Kundli99.00 QROther Services (Al Rayyan) May 1, 2023Dr. Vinay Bajrangi is a renowned astrologer with expertise in Property Yoga in Kundli. With over 25 years of experience, he has helped many clients achieve success in their property dealings. Dr Bajrangi has written several books on Vedic astrology a...